Thursday, December 30, 2010
so old . . .
Today was one of those days where the struggles of life (well, at least MY life) seem sooooo very old. I long for the struggles (or at least the same, old ones) to disappear. What are the chances?
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
new city - part 2
In our years in SoCal, we've been very lame church attenders. It's a long story . . .
3 weeks ago, Dan & I had a conversation that went something like this . . .
Me: so, um, every week, I'd kinda rather stay & home and watch football than go to church.
Dan: yeah, me too.
Me: I'm not inclined to keep going if I'd rather watch football every week.
Dan: yeah, me too.
Me: So in the famous words of my Grandma Butch, let's either shit or get off the pot.
Dan: (laughs) . . . yeah, I think we need to try out some new places.
Me: Ok, how about we check out that one church Jude & John were telling us about.
Dan: sounds good.
Sunday we attended New City church for the 2nd time (that's a rare occurrence for us). We were so inspired the first time, that we decided to check it out again. And . . . it . . . didn't . . . disappoint. This week, the worship was even more inspiring, the sermon was both encouraging & challenging (again), and we attended the newcomers lunch & got to meet some folks & ask some questions.
The sermon yesterday was about success. Kevin preached about success not being about the outcome, but about our desire & faithfulness in obedience to Christ & leaving the results in His hands. I'm 100% on board with that! Not signing the paperwork yet . . . but I'm pretty sure this might be "the one" . . . stay tuned.
Monday, December 27, 2010
bittersweet . . . .but mostly sweet
The holidays are bittersweet for me. In the 9 years that I've been married, I've only been in MN once over the holidays. So I usually get a little teary-eyed at some point . . . missing being with my peeps back home. This year had a new twist. Mahalia kept saying that she thought we should get on an "ay-u-plane" and go to Minnesota. She just loves the people in MN.

There was this handmade card from Alberto (a friend we've known for almost 7 years). He's a cherished member of our family, so it was especially cool to get something handmade from him.
Then on Christmas Eve, we spent the day as a family at Universal Studios. We ate lunch ($10 off, thanks to a coupon book that we got gifted!), watched people "flying" in a sky-diving simulator, saw Santa, and took in all of the SoCal entertainment sights. We also caught a matinee in the theatre - a TOTAL bust. We walked out early - we were all bored stiff. But on the way out, Mahalia says, "That was SO fun!" I think she might've been referring to the popcorn (or pop-cwown) as she calls it.
It wasn't a "white" Christmas - but a very authentically SoCal, sunny one :-)
Christmas Day, we invited all of our friends (with family far away) over for a literal Hodge podge of a dinner. Being low on cash, we decided that instead of buying anything additional for Christmas, we'd use what we had in the freezer. So Dan put together an AMAZING spread . . . Mexican rice, Cuban-style beans, sausage links & a killer meatloaf. Then we forced our talented friends to lead us in a round of The Twelve Days of Christmas. It was hilarious!
My heart is full . . . and I'm thankful for those I love -those near & those far, who love me so very much.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
At 11:55 this morning, I had made plans to meet Dan at home & then head out to grab some lunch together. At approximately 12:15 (as Mahalia & I were driving home) I started getting the twinges of a headache. By 12:30 I was laying in bed with a full-on migraine. Thought . . . . . I . . . . . would . . . . . die. It was the worst one I've ever had. WOW!
Monday, December 20, 2010
new city
A while ago some friends mentioned that they attend New City Church in downtown LA. Sensing possible change in the future, we decided it'd be a good time to check them out. So I browsed their website this week . . . and I read something about them being a church for people who don't like church . . . at which point, I knew I needed to check 'em out.
Friday, December 17, 2010
under the weather
I just haven't felt like myself all week . . . what's up with that? Hoping next week is better.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Here are a few of my highlights from 2010:
- I feel God's love more than ever
- Dan got to work from home all summer
- Dan's book came out!!!
- It was my first full year as a full time stay-at-home mom
- Angela came to visit & we got a girls weekend away in San Diego
- I witnessed the birth of my friend's baby
- Chante' performed at Dan's book signing
- My Mom & Dad came for a visit, and his health is much improved, praise God!
- Dan's Mom is doing well & has come to visit a few times, much to our delight
- Dan & I celebrated 9 years together
- I started serving at PIHOP
- Started teaching salsa classes
- Made a couple of new friends that I'm really excited about
- Enjoyed my "old" friends too (you know who you are :-)
- Made my "Jericho: Until the Walls Fall Down" praise CD
- I'm taking Sozo training
- We got grass!
- Mahalia got to celebrate her birthday with her cousins in MN & play in the snow
- Dan & Mahalia got to attend his family reunion in Texas, while I got 3 glorious days to myself!
- I know & accept myself now, more than ever
Monday, December 13, 2010
dance party

This was actually taken at her house - she's carried on the tradition at her house, but with a fun twist . . . dance party princesses. I l.o.v.e. it!!!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Uncle Buck's Tree
Yesterday was "decorate the tree" day at the White Hodge casa. We went to Uncle Buck's tree lot in Monrovia & while the kiddies jumped in the bouncer, Uncle Buck's Elf (pretty sure little elf had been smokin' something :-) helped us get the tree on the car. It was already cut & mounted with a water area at the bottom - brilliant!
So we went home & started to decorate. Mahalia & her little friend, Christopher, were in heaven! It was pure delight until the very last candy cane was hung.
But my favorite part was this . . .
. . . all of the ornaments are piled into one little area of the tree. Mahalia had been standing on the couch, putting all of the ornaments within arm's reach. Never occurred to her to spread them out.
I was tempted to rearrange them to make them "more presentable" but then it occurred to me that it's perfect just the way it is.
So often, I try to make things "presentable" and "just right" . . . but this moment made me realize that it truly is the thought that counts, along with the heart behind the thought & the enthusiasm all together. Thanks kiddo for another lesson learned.
So often, I try to make things "presentable" and "just right" . . . but this moment made me realize that it truly is the thought that counts, along with the heart behind the thought & the enthusiasm all together. Thanks kiddo for another lesson learned.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
10 things I love about Liz
I knew I wanted to be friends with Liz the first time I met her. She interviewed me for a job back in 2003 & she has been a dear friend ever since.
We've spent countless hours together - doing all sorts of things . . . talking, coffee, movies, birthdays, breakups, travel, massages, pedicures, shopping & more talking.
Here's my top ten reasons why I simply adore Liz:
- She knows & embraces herself
- She's always willing to make new friends
- She lives her life to the fullest & makes no apologies
- She's an incredible gift giver (note fabulous bracelet she just gave me for Christmas - right)
- She treats herself to things & takes good care of herself
- She has impeccable style
- She takes amazing trips around the world
- She lives each moment to the fullest
- She loves with her whole hear
- She 100% embraces single life
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
first bloom
We moved into this house in December of 2007 & at the time it was only dirt & cement outside. In my attempt to make the hideous look slightly less hideous, I got some pots & planted a few flowers.
As with most things in life, when you try to "decorate" the hideous, it doesn't really work. My poor plant never really "took." But then when the owner got us some grass & a watering system, they repotted all of my plants into the soil.
I wasn't too sure what would happen - it didn't look like anything was happening for the last 6 months. Until two days ago . . . here is the first bloom of the season - just opened up 2 days ago!!! And there's about 30 other buds just waiting to open!
This bloom kind of reflects my life. In seasons past, I've tried to "decorate" the ugly in my life (attitudes, dysfunctions, problems etc.) to no avail . . . same ugly . . . different year. But over the last three years, I have uprooted the ugly & replanted my spirit into new soil.
It's good to see my ugly turn into something beautiful.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
a few suggestions

A special thanks to Dan for letting me have the WHOLE morning & afternoon to wander around all by myself . . . glorious!
hot date
I've got a hot date . . . with myself this morning! I'm really looking forward to some time alone. Here's the "plan" (though I don't care to tie myself down to anything in particular).
Grab a cup of coffee & do a bit of reading . . . before I . . . head down to the fashion district to do some window shopping . . . maybe even buy myself a belt . . . then possibly catch up on a few phone calls . . . then come home & catch a cat nap before the afternoon shift with the kiddies.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
backseat song
We were on our way home tonight & here's what I overheard Mahalia singing softly to herself in the back seat . . . "Jesus is my favorite. He keeps me safe & He plays with me all the day morning. I love Him so much."
Did my heart good.
Did my heart good.
Monday, November 29, 2010
turning 4
Sunday, November 28, 2010
to my unknown sister
We were only 2 blocks from church - on time for the 10:30 service worship. We hit the park first to get out some wiggles. After a romp on the slides, swings & exercise machines, we got back in the car.
As we pulled out of the parking lot onto Washington Blvd this morning, I watched one woman grab another woman around the neck & throw her to the ground. It was done with so much force, that I thought it was a man who had done it. We slowed down & took a second look. I drove another block & was finding a parking space, but was haunted by what I just witnessed, uncertain of how to help.
Mahalia asked what just happened, so I explained. She said, "but Mom, we need to help her. She needs help, Mom!" In that moment, it became clear . . . so we made a u-turn and drove back. As we drove the block back, Mahalia sang this song . . . "we're coming to save you, we're coming to save you."
But I know that my daughter's heart was to save you from the abuse. Today we stand with our sisters (known & unknown). As we see your abuse, we will not be silent. We will stand with you for peace.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
a toast to Z
We spent Thanksgiving dinner at our friend's house. They set a beautiful table - including sparkling glass goblets . . . which reminded me that approximately 336 days earlier we had made a very significant toast at our house at Christmas dinner with those very same friends.
They had received word that their adoption had become final & they would be able to go to Ethiopia to get their 9 year old daughter later that winter. I remember getting choked up - so grateful that this beautiful girl (only seen in pictures) was going to be a part of our family of friends.
It means so much to me to have her here! She's every bit as beautiful & wonderful as I had imagined. I love you Z!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
buzz has landed
So Mahalia has been begging for a Buzz Lightyear toy for MONTHS . . . since Toy Story 3 came out! Literally EVERY day she asks me for "big Buzz" and is always SO disappointed when I say "not today, kiddo."
Saturday, November 20, 2010
The last couple of weeks, I have found myself repeatedly in tears . . . overcome with gratitude. I have sat with new friends, with long time friends, with family, all alone, or in a room of complete strangers . . . and I'm moved to tears.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
grandma, grandpa & uncle jess
Mahalia LOVES Minnesota . . . for SO many reasons . . . mostly revolving around three things: the grandparents, snow, or Chester (the toy poodle).
Every time I go to MN, I just wanna drive around & see how everything has changed, but I never take the time to do it. This time was different. My Dad, Mahalia & I piled into the car & drove around Minneapolis for almost 2 hours, checking out all of my favorite old "nooks & crannies" around town. It was fun to see how much things have changed! This is on my favorite bridge - where I did some of my best pondering when I lived there. I miss you Minneapolis!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
up 4
Went to Minnesota to visit family & friends. Got back today & went to the gym. Apparently, In ONE week (yep - that's 7 calendar days) I gained FOUR pounds!!! Sheesh. I guess I didn't starve! I think it's partly because . . . of all the cookies I ate :-)
Saturday, November 6, 2010
adobo & tres leches
Ahhhh . . . we (Dan & I) have spent the last 24 hours eating & enjoying ourselves silly! It's pretty ridiculously amazing how much fun we've had. Our kiddo is with friends for the weekend so we can celebrate our anniversary.
Some of the highlights so far:

If you're ever looking for a sandwich that'll make you curse, this is THE ONE!
We watched "For Colored Girls" in the theater. I think it's Tyler Perry's best so far.

We've eaten so much that now it's time for the couch and our annual viewing of our wedding video . . . then maybe some comedy thanks to Netflix. Ahhh - the good life!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
unexpected gifts
I simply LOVE giving & receiving gifts. It's one of my favorite things in the whole world.
And this week . . . I got two (they even come with fun stories :-)
So lately, whenever I take a shower, it's been a trickle of water coming out of the shower head (and a "trickle" is being generous). Literally, I'd been frozen solid while showering, because there's enough to get you wet (after a while), but never enough to hit your whole body & keep you warm. Add that to a touchy water heater & you've got yourself hypothermia via shower (yeah, yeah . . . all you Minnesotans keep your "you've turned into such a sissy" comments to yourself :-)
So on Tuesday, our maintenance guys come & voila! A FANTASTIC shower head . . . just like a fancy hotel!!!
Then, my poor husband has slept in a bed that's been too short for him for 9 years (as of yesterday). We've shared a double bed our whole married life & have always wanted a bigger bed, so his feet don't dangle off the end (in addition to the occasional morning where the kiddo wants to snuggle too & we're all holding on for dear life).

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
9 years tomorrow

I remember seeing Dan for the first time. I remember his sense of humor, his ability to get a crowd rolling, and the fact that he smelled SO good. And I remember our first encounter . . . he was engaging & REALLY interesting. I remember our first visit . . . I've never seen a grown man shiver like that day (it was minus 35 degrees PLUS windchill!!!), but MAN was I glad to see him and be next to him.
I have never loved anyone more than I love him. And I have never been loved like he loves me.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
wisdom of 3 year olds
At times, I find myself frustrated when my kiddo can't keep the pace I want . . . errands, cleaning, visits with friends, getting work done etc.
But this morning, it occurred to me that kids really know how to listen to themselves & their limits. They know when they need to eat. They know when they are sad. They know when they are frustrated. They know when they're done sharing. And I know when she's just DONE period (aka: must get some sleep RIGHT NOW).
Thursday, October 28, 2010
what's the difference?
Been chewing a question over & over again lately . . . what's the difference between having/exercising good judgment and being judgmental?
I've been witness to a few interesting decisions lately . . . decisions have been made that don't seem (at least from my point of view) to be made with good judgment. In fact - quite the opposite. The decisions made seem to have terrifying outcomes that are almost certainly inevitable. But they've been made, nonetheless. So from that point on, there's no point in being judgmental towards the decision.
So here's my question to you: how do you exercise good judgment without being judgmental? And what's the difference?
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
i will survive
I've recently witnessed a form of (what appears to me to be) a crazy competition.
I refer to it as the, "Who Can Survive More in Life?" competition. It seems to have a particular appeal to women . . . as we try to demonstrate our competency, our determination & our sheer ability to overcome whatever life throws at us. There is a certain "badge of honor" we wear for our ability to do/be MORE of whatever comes our way. We tend to white knuckle our way through life - relationships, parenting, jobs, social networks etc. as some sort of maneuver to demonstrate some sort of superiority.
While I used to subscribe to this particular competition (especially in my 20's) with absolute vigor, I no longer have any desire whatsoever to even participate (much less win). I used to spend countless hours trying to prove my tenacity & worth (what I was trying to prove, I'm not sure). But now, I find it exhausting to even enter the competition - which I find hilarious (since once upon a time, I was the queen of this comical competition).
Though this competition takes many forms, here are my top three favorites:
- "I can work harder & accomplish WAY more than you"
- "I have more kids & that's better than your one (who still naps - you slouch)"
- "I can withstand far more stress in my life than you can"
YEP! It's true. You win. And I'll be happy to let you :-)
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
simple pleasures
This morning I was thinking about the things I enjoy most . . . the simple pleasures of life.
Here are a few of mine . . .
- a cup of coffee (my new fav is Starbucks' salted carmel mocha) & conversation
- a good pedicure (with a fun design!)
- a dance - especially if it comes with a solid dip at the end
- hearing my daughter's full-on belly laugh when something strikes her funny
- a quiet dinner at home with Dan
- a vigorous workout
- watching the neighborhood kids play together in the street
- reading a book
- taking a nap
- a picked-up house (including the bed being made)
- a challenging thought, book, or blog - the kind that make me change
- visiting family & friends (either going to them or them coming to us)
- when my daughter asks to pray for someone
Saturday, October 23, 2010
So one of the few perks of living far away from family is that you find people who become like family. Part of our circle of friends are our neighborhood kids. We have the kids over to play or we play in the street with them almost every day.
Years ago, I dreamed of having a house full of kids to love . . . and now I've got it. And I get to share it with my best friend. It makes my heart so very glad.
Friday, October 22, 2010
so much kindess
Usually when folks visit LA, they think of it as huge, impersonable & a bit hostile.
Yesterday, Mahalia & I took the train to Los Angeles to meet with a friend. We rode on four different trains & use 8+ elevators on our trip. Train etiquette requires mostly quiet and no eating (which is tough for a snack-y kiddo). On one train in particular, we were just PACKED in - rush hour & everyone trying to get back home.
I was so impressed. Perfect strangers (who I imagine even spoke different languages - cuz all we did was smile & nod) played with Mahalia. One young man endlessly made faces & pushed her "ticket" back & forth between the seats. Others held the elevator door as we got our bulky stroller (crammed with crap) in as quickly as a three (almost four) year old can go while checking out EVERY cool thing in the train station.
And it didn't stop there. We visited the Tribal Cafe for dinner (their Filipino Chicken Adobo Panini is easily the BEST sandwich I've ever tasted). Mahalia saw a set of microphones in the corner & was begging to sing. Of course, I told her no, because in most places kids aren't allowed to do that kind of stuff. But this place was different. A kind woman walked over & asked if Mahalia wanted to sing. OF COURSE she did!
So Mahalia & Lady O belted out favorites like Twinkle Twinkle & the ABC's. So much kindness in one afternoon. Thank you LA - I love you!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
subtle shifts
This fall is SO very different than last fall . . . in subtle ways.
Begging for grass Re-seeding the grass (cuz some of it died)
Not so connected to community Loving our new network of friends
I was adjusting to being a SAHM Enjoy being at home & doing "mom" stuff
Eating healthy Actually cooking 95% of food - & it's edible :-)
Editing Dan's book & waiting Book is out & signings are underway!
Mahalia was in Preschool Hanging out with Dan a couple mornings
Mahalia was in Preschool Hanging out with Dan a couple mornings
Taking salsa classes Teaching salsa classes
Trying to make new friends Really pleased with new circle of good friends
Pounding workouts Yoga
But then there are other things that remain the same . . . some fun . . . others not so much. It's good to take stock & see how life changes & what each season brings.
I'm especially looking forward to the "I just lost 25 more pounds" season . . . but apparently that one's not here yet :-)
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
belle tower
We've had such a fun October! THREE aunties have come into town!!!
Our latest visit was from Auntie Belle. She & Mahalia made towers with blocks EVERY day . . . lucky kid. And I got to talk to auntie Belle every day . . . lucky me!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
tea party
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Tea Set |
Mahalia's LaLa brought her the coolest tea party tea set EVER, so it was tea parties EVERY day that LaLa was here. There were tea parties on the floor, in the kitchen, at the coffee shop and with the puppies! |
With her LaLa |
Tea Party |
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Checkin' out the pictures on Facebook |
Monday, October 11, 2010
plus 1
My long-time friend, Angela, came into town for a wedding. She stayed at our house & I got to be her "plus one" at a wedding - something I never get to do since we live on opposite sides of the country - so it was especially fun. Our time together consisted of food (lots of it!), great conversation & driving to San Diego for the wedding.
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Secret recipe peppermint cookie crumbles |
Being the thoughtful friend that she is, Ang remembered that I'd never had the chance to try her peppermint cookies (secret family recipe). So she baked a batch & brought them for us to delight in. Scrumptous!!! I wish I had remembered to take a before picture, but I was so excited to eat them, that I totally forgot . . . so here's the crumbs left in the bag.
We headed to this FAB hotel - with the BEST comforters!
Our SUPER comfy beds |
At the reception - enjoying some wine |
Ang with the groom: Wes (congrats!) |
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Swork snacks |
Thanks for coming friend - great to share grown up fun with you!
I never tire of getting to know you better.
I never tire of getting to know you better.
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