Friday, January 28, 2011

my pastor

Over the last 9 years, church hasn't been a place I've enjoyed being.  It's been more discouraging to my faith than encouraging.  I'll spare you the details & just say that church hasn't been a positive experience for me the last decade.

But we've started going to New City Church in downtown LA & we LOVE it!  It feels like home.  And this morning we had coffee with Pastor Kevin.  We left so encouraged & even more sure that we want to really invest in this group of people & be invested in by them.  It feels good to say after 10 years & today's coffee that Kevin is MY pastor.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Today we had conferences at Mahalia's school.  Yeah, I know, conferences for a 4 year old, right?! . . . but it was surprisingly helpful.  I REALLY like her teacher (& so does she).

After our 20 minutes, I was waiting in the hall, when another teacher (who I'd never met) came up to me & asked if I was Mahalia's Mom.  I said yes & she started gushing about how Mahalia is the happiest kid - how she bounds around, full of joy.  She was surprised at how she's jumped into school mid-year & done so well.

I think it just might've been the best thing anyone could say about my parenting . . . that I have a happy kid - abounding with joy.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


The last couple weeks have been a major transition for us.  But I've been SO encouraged with all of the forward movement.  So many pieces (some small & some VERY big) have been coming together for us.  

It kinda reminds me of an earthquake (especially since I live in CA now), and how all of the plates move imperceptible amounts for years - decades even.  Then all of a sudden there's massive movement & a total shift of the earth's foundation.  

Yep - kinda feelin' like an earthquake . . . but in a really good way!

Thursday, January 20, 2011


I've been losing hair by the handfuls the last couple of months & it's gotten REALLY bad the last couple of weeks . . . scary bad.  

I've talked to lots of medical folks about it - but never with anything that sounds hopeful.  I used to go to a number of MD's here in Pasadena, but never got anywhere.  They didn't listen.  They were condescending.  Their only option was always pharmaceuticals.  And I never got better.  So I wasn't looking forward to another visit today.  But . . .

With the onset of what appears to be another serious thyroid flair up I had to go see an MD to get some blood tests run.  I was SO pleasantly surprised by Gary Archer, OMD.  He sat with me for 80 minutes before doing acupuncture.  Then he gave me some homeopathics that have already helped (my hands & feet aren't cold anymore).  And since we don't have insurance, he only charged me $35!!!!  I can't say enough . . . I finally feel hopeful about the healing that is to come!  

If you live in/near Pasadena, check him out!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

today's hero: tomas!

I made a few bracelets with my friend, Angela, while I was visiting my family in Minnesota back in November.  I was instantly hooked.  Uncertain of what all I needed & where to get it the cheapest, I'd managed to keep myself from buying bead stuff . . . and lo-'n-behold I get a surprise start-up bead package from her for Christmas (yep!  She's the best!!!).

I've been attending the Pasadena Bead & Design Show all weekend . . . walking up & down aisle after aisle, eying millions of beads.  Yeah - random, I know.  Beading . . . who knew!!!???  But it's like my latest form of crack.  I'm officially addicted.

Yesterday I wandered, envisioned & bought a few things.  I have to admit, I don't really know what I'm doing.   At ALL!

Then this morning, as I was waiting for a seminar, I put together this bracelet.  However . . . I've never learned how to crimp them & make them all professional-like.  So my ONLY goal for today was to figure out how to get them so that they don't fall apart after a couple of wears. 

After the seminar (which wasn't particularly helpful), I walk into a booth looking for a crimp tool (don't even know what one looks like, but know I need one since the seminar instructor told me so).  I ask a couple of questions . . . and 2 minutes later, I'm sitting behind the booth getting a private, one-on-one lesson from Tomas!  He's the owner of A Bead Carnival. 

And he was . . . AWESOME!  I almost cried when we were done.  He was so kind, so patient & really thorough.  He gave me all kind of helpful hints to make sturdy, professional-grade bracelets. 
Then tonight, I came home & went to town!  Thanks to Tomas, here are my first solo creations.  I love them! 

If you're in the market for a bracelet, let me know . . . I just might be able to hook you up!  And it won't fall apart . . . thanks to Tomas!!!

the red line

With the beginning of a new job, have come some hefty changes in the schedule.  Gone are the days of slow mornings, unlimited play time, and lots of time to reflect.  We've had to (as my Mom would say) "kick it into high gear."

I catch my mind racing - trying to find ways to cram more "to do's" into the same God-given 24 hour time span.   I'm finding that I'm reaching my limits of energy much more quickly.  In my former life, when more stuff was happening, I used to just cram more in.  I used to live at the red line.  If more needed to get done, I simply shoe-horned it in & did ALL of the "more" - never really stopping to consider the consequences of the "more" lifestyle (ie. lived off of adrenaline & blew out my thyroid, was filled with anxiety etc).  Sooooo . . .

I'm going to need to cut back on stuff . . . LOTS of stuff.  I'm especially having to cut back on stuff that I really enjoy.  Seems like the dishes, cooking, laundry etc. are here to stay.  So it's gonna have to be time spent with others, time spent volunteering, time spent reflecting, time spent dancing and time spent relaxing.  And I don't really like it.  But . . .

Since I've started living a different way, I no longer desire to live beyond my limits.  Having more required in terms of work will result in less time doing other things.  I will no longer sacrifice my health, my family or my sanity to live the "MORE" lifestyle.  I will reflect.  I will evaluate.  I will cut back.  And I will live within my limits.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Today I attended the Pasadena Bead & Design Show . . . and it . . . was . . . MAGIC!!!  Seriously - walked around for 4 hours just looking at millions of beads.  It was SO fun.  Can't wait until tomorrow's demonstration.  I've got my new stuff organized & ready to create! 

Friday, January 14, 2011


Sheesh!  I'm beat.  

Today marks the end of the first full week of work + house guest + preschool + contract consulting work.  It all came on so quickly, but it's been great.  The whole team pulled together to make it happen.  But now it's time for some couch time & relaxation.  

Bring on a nap!!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

agonizing done . . . adventure started

So my last post was about the agonizing debate in my head.  Well . . . debate over.  Adventure started. 

I decided that the things I'm most passionate about, I could do . . . all together & for a good cause.  Dan & I decided that I'll be his new "Marketing & Production Business Partner."  I'm working my boo-tay off to try to get his book out there & publicized.  I'm just so proud of all of his work & really believe in what he's doing.  Now I like working for "the man" :-)

And Mahalia is LOVING preschool.  She sings about going every morning & skips out afterwards.  She's already worn her "Sunrise Preschool" t-shirt 3 times (yeah, yeah, we've limited it to once a week now . . . don't worry!)  I think she likes having something fun to do every day.

And I get to do what I'm good at - organize the hell outta stuff & make stuff happen.  I've already done a ton of research & am in the process of booking a handful of gigs for Dan over the next couple of months.  It's a transition that's taken a good amount of reworking our schedule, but we're really grateful to have the chance to work all together as a team.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

garden of ideas

I can't really even begin to describe the agonizing debate in my head lately . . .

I've had the privilege (dare I say the luxury?) of staying home the last 21 months.  It has been a precious time to invest in our little family of three.  I've done all of the things stay-at-home-moms do.  But I've also had the privilege of doing lots of things that most moms don't ever have the chance to do:
  • read lots of books
  • started volunteering in a new place
  • started my own business 
  • done massive amounts of personal reflection
  • danced 'til I couldn't dance anymore
  • started a new hobby (beading)
So do I want to go back to work this year & leave my little slice of heaven?  Nope.  Not. Even. A. Little.  Do we need me to go back to work?  Yes.  Absolutely.  No. Question. About. It.  Ugh . . . but where to even begin?  And when?  And how?  I've changed so much that I'm sure I won't go back to the same kind of work as before.

More importantly, will I be able to remain the kind of woman I want to be?  Centered.  Focused.  Kind.  Creative.  Energized.  Engaged.  Invested.  I hope so!

Dan & I just had an unforseen brainstorming session where we came up with the coolest idea.  A win-win-win for our little team of three.  It's crazy enough . . . that . . . it . . .  just . . . might . . . work!!!  There was such synergy between us that he called it a "garden of ideas." 

Stay tuned . . .

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I've had that itchy feeling the last few days . . . the kind you get when you've got a hundred "to do's" in your mind.  But I've been sick - really sick & haven't felt like tackling much.  Until today . . . 

So this afternoon I took quiet time by storm (note, I think my kiddo may almost be done with naps . . . sad day at casa Hodge :-(  I took stock of everything.  Here are a few of the things I checked off . . .
  • added my "to do's" into my actual TO DO list (& got them OUT of my head)
  • cleaned off my desk
  • ran to the store to grab a few things we've needed around the house
  • scheduled in specific time to work on a couple of key projects
  • did some publicity for Dan's book signing next week (join us!)
  • did a complete "restore settings" to get my phone back up & running properly
  • registered for a beading convention in 2 weeks (random, right?!)
  • had coffee with a friend
  • scheduled workout & dancing time
  • responded to scads of emails
  • researched stuff for our business
Feels great to be back on track!

And this is just a picture that I love . . . what nuts!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

anthem for 2011

Here's my anthem for 2011.  I'm so very grateful for Jesus.