Thursday, May 27, 2010

to compete or not to compete

My business/dance partner asked me this week (again) if I would compete with him. He asked me a year ago when we were watching a competition & I totally blew it off, thinking he wasn't serious. There's a thousand (literally) other prettier, younger, better dancers than me out there.

I've always laughed in the past because performing is totally, "not my thing." I dance because I LOVE to dance. I dance because I need to dance. Though it's fun to have others appreciate the beauty in it, I really do it for myself. So the thought of having others watch and/or judge has always given me the heeby-jeebies.

But then I began to wonder WHY I don't want to perform. I began to wonder what's holding me back. Is it because I've always seen myself as the "really fabulous (but slightly overweight) girl" or is it because my baptist, German, midwestern upbringing would frown upon such a non-noble endeavor? Or is it simply the thought of being in one of those crazy outfits in front of 1,000 people that freaks me out?

Anyhoo - I decided this week, that regardless of whether or not I actually compete, I want to remove any/all excuses. I want to give myself every opportunity to say "yes" in case I one day decide to actually do it. The jury is still out on the performing, but I've decided a few things:

  1. I will continue with yoga to improve my form.

  2. I will continue on my journey of health to lose a few pounds (& possibly feel more comfortable in one of those crazy outfits :-).

  3. I will be able to do the splits by the end of the summer. (I envision myself ending a routine in the splits :-)

  4. I will begin to practice like I may one day compete.

two firsts

Mahalia had two "firsts" today . . . drum roll please . . . .

  1. first day with braids

  2. first movie in a theatre (Shrek: aka "Shwek" :-)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

war victim?

Nope. Just a dancer.

Been breaking in a new pair of dance shoes (actually one of the more comfortable options available) . . . or maybe better said that they're breaking me in!

Between my toe nail coming off about a month ago, a handful of blisters & cuts, my feet look like I've done something really brutal . . . good thing the brutality is really fun :-)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

day #2

Today marks day #2 of a cleanse I just started. Been inspired by regular headaches, feeling bloated, my new career & a couple of girlfriends who've been diligently losing weight the old fashioned way.

Yesterday: berry shakes with supplements, TONS of veggies & water, and massive headaches.
Today: same (minus headaches, hopefully!)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

noche de salsa

Mahalia has been asking me for weeks if she can come dancing with me . . . and tonite she got her wish. I let all my faithful salsa friends know where to meet us & sure enough - she had a ball.

She wanted to wear her flower girl dress, pony tails with barrettes, perfume, nail polish, fancy socks & shoes. It was a great night for us girls (& for Dan too - a quiet night at home never hurts him :-). What can we say - we White Hodge girls LOVE to dance!

A special thanks to my salsero friends for always being so cool to Mahalia. Check out her video . . .

Saturday, May 22, 2010

whole book

Dan & I took a much needed 48 hour getaway. We went on priceline & booked a really cheap (but surprisingly nice) hotel for 2 nights and snuck away to Manhattan Beach. We've found the BEST babysitter, so felt really comfortable & relaxed leaving MJ with her.

We ate food we didn't have to cook or clean up after, saw Robin Hood in the theatre, rented The Blind Side in our room, slept in late, walked to the end of the pier at Redondo Beach (after a 12 noon breakfast :-), took naps . . . and I read an entire book in two 3 hour blocks of time!

At one point I asked Dan if I was becoming too boring. I think he was actually relieved that I wanted to chill as much as I did, cuz usually I like to get out a lot on vacation. But this time, I was loving the chill . . . and my hubby & book!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

it's good to be a white girl

So my 2:20am conversation went something like this . . .

Officer: Good morning Ma'am. I hate being called Ma'am, but who's gonna mention anything when you just got pulled over by the CHP?
Me: Good morning. As I hand my license & registration over to the officer
Officer: Do you know why you were pulled over?
Me: No idea.
Officer: You were swerving all over the road.
Me: Really!?
Officer: Yes.
Me: Wow. I had no idea. Huh.

Officer: Where are you coming from?
Me: Dancing.
Officer: Had anything to drink?
Me: Yes. Tons of water.
Officer: You were swerving into the lane behind that truck back there. I swear there was no truck, nor was I swerving, but again, who's gonna argue?
Me: Oh wow. I must've been jamming to my music.
Officer: Are you sure you haven't had anything to drink.
Me: looking him straight in the eye: Tons of water.
Officer: Well, I guess it's easy to lose track of the lanes when there's no traffic. Please be careful ma'am. And have a good night.
Me: Thanks. You too.

Then just like that, I drive away within 3 minutes. No breathalizer. No "walk the straight line" test. No ticket. Nothing. The first thing I think is, "I wonder what would've happened if it was Dan they had stopped at 2:20 in the morning. I guess it's good to be a white girl.

Monday, May 17, 2010


I have a knack for killing plants . . . but it doesn't stop me from trying (desperately) to have some semblance of a pretty yard. One of my long term goals is to get grass. I joke about it, but I'm kinda serious too. I'll know we've "arrived" when we have a beautiful yard full of weed free grass (not just smatterings between patches of dirt & concrete).

So today, Mahalia & I went to OSH (because you can return any dead plants, which in my case is too often a reality).
I asked the gentlemen what kind of vine/shrub would grow good in the shade. And Jasmine it is! So we got right to work - pulled out our gloves, shovels & watering cans.

Mahalia proved to be a very enthusiastic gardener . . . minus the dirt in the shoe. Oh, and PS - every girl's gotta wear her most fabulous dress for gardening, right?!

Friday, May 7, 2010


Now that we're teaching, we need to practice. Here's a little clip of us from last night. Oh how I love to dance! And teaching . . . who would've thought?!

Thursday, May 6, 2010


I taught my first salsa class this week & LOVED it. So I'm jumping in with both feet & I need your votes. Which business card do you like best?

Pink or Red?