Here are a few of my highlights from 2010:
- I feel God's love more than ever
- Dan got to work from home all summer
- Dan's book came out!!!
- It was my first full year as a full time stay-at-home mom
- Angela came to visit & we got a girls weekend away in San Diego
- I witnessed the birth of my friend's baby
- Chante' performed at Dan's book signing
- My Mom & Dad came for a visit, and his health is much improved, praise God!
- Dan's Mom is doing well & has come to visit a few times, much to our delight
- Dan & I celebrated 9 years together
- I started serving at PIHOP
- Started teaching salsa classes
- Made a couple of new friends that I'm really excited about
- Enjoyed my "old" friends too (you know who you are :-)
- Made my "Jericho: Until the Walls Fall Down" praise CD
- I'm taking Sozo training
- We got grass!
- Mahalia got to celebrate her birthday with her cousins in MN & play in the snow
- Dan & Mahalia got to attend his family reunion in Texas, while I got 3 glorious days to myself!
- I know & accept myself now, more than ever
Absolutely wonderful! You're inspiring me to reflect on 2010, too. I'm pleased for you and so glad you're on my team.