Monday, December 20, 2010

new city

A while ago some friends mentioned that they attend New City Church in downtown LA.  Sensing possible change in the future, we decided it'd be a good time to check them out.  So I browsed their website this week . . . and I read something about them being a church for people who don't like church . . . at which point, I knew I needed to check 'em out.

It did not disappoint.  If I were to sum up the message today, it would be his line, "Don't let your ethics get in the way of love."  Beautiful . . . just beautiful.  We'll be going back.


  1. This is encouraging! I can't wait to hear more.

  2. Hey Emily,

    Congratulations. Finding a good fit for a home church is a difficult process. We have not been able to find one that is great for us, just good enough.

    I've looked through their website some. They seem to want to avoid some of the really tricky and sticky labels that are many times attached to believers and churches.

    Your summation confuses me. If you were here (where ever 'here' is), I'd ask you to unpack what they meant. How does "Don't let your ethics get in the way of love" relate to what God is doing among us? (Maybe I need some context.)

    Ah, yes. I just read some more. The YouTube video made continual references to "healing the planet". This church is in the tradition of The Emerging Church. The extended quote of belief from Mars Hill confirmed it. (whatever that means!)

    I'm really enchanted by their single-sex Discipleship Groups. Very small. Sounds like that has real potential. If Wooddale had something like that, it would be high priority for me.

    I hope you enjoy it.

  3. Thanks! I'm pretty excited about the possibility of finding a church that I really like.

    The context of the quote is a little somethin' like this . . . Jesus didn't let his ethics get in the way of Him loving us. Even though we don't live up to His ethic, He loves us anyway. While we were yet sinners, he came to live among us. And while an ethic is right & essential, we should not allow it to get in the way of loving people as they are. Pretty fantastic!
