Saturday, November 27, 2010

a toast to Z

We spent Thanksgiving dinner at our friend's house.  They set a beautiful table - including sparkling glass goblets . . . which reminded me that approximately 336 days earlier we had made a very significant toast at our house at Christmas dinner with those very same friends.

They had received word that their adoption had become final & they would be able to go to Ethiopia to get their 9 year old daughter later that winter.  I remember getting choked up - so grateful that this beautiful girl (only seen in pictures) was going to be a part of our family of friends.

So when I saw the goblets at Thanksgiving, I reached over, hugged Z and told her the story of our Christmas dinner last year & how we had toasted to her being a part of our family.  I told her how excited I was to be eating Thanksgiving dinner WITH her . . . not just dreaming ABOUT her.  

It means so much to me to have her here!  She's every bit as beautiful & wonderful as I had imagined.  I love you Z!



  1. You always make our family feel so special! Love you lots!

  2. Yeah! I feel the same way about my goddaughter from Russia. God went to a lot of trouble to bring her to us and there must be a special reason why.
