Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Since June . . . this is how I've felt:
Need I say more?

However, after five months in our current housing situation, 5 months with steady income, 2 months on meds, and 4 days in Los Angeles . . . I feel REVIVED!!!

About six months ago, I thought I'd never feel like me again.  It was horrible - dreadful really.  But over time, God has steadily revived my soul.  And this last week in LA was just what I needed to put the final nail in my coffin of sorrow.

I got to spend time with people who dearly love me & know how to have fun.   I ate food with incredible flavor.  I danced myself silly.  And I had a beautiful prayer session where God confirmed all of the beautiful things he's been telling me for years.  Even though my life might look like a hot mess from the outside, I feel good.

I'm anxious to bring my joy into the little things.  And today it trickled over into my eating habits.  Since being here, I've gained 15 pounds people!  And what have I been doing about that?  Nothing.  Nada.  Zip.  Zilch.  Yep - I've been giving myself a pass, along with a huge dose of grace & "you'll get to it when you get to it."  

But today I went to the grocery store & hooked these beautiful lunches up:

Seems that I might just have a bit of my mojo back!