Friday, May 27, 2011

sunshine & jasmine

It's funny how the strangest things elicit grief as Dan & I make the agonizing decision to move or not to move.

After we got home from the hospital on Wednesday afternoon, I was sitting out on the porch swing, watching Mahalia water the plants & grass.  I was walking down memory lane.  Wasn't it just 3 1/2 years that we moved into this little house - with it's NASTY yard?  And less than a year ago, I got my grass!!!

It's been amazing to watch the transformation of our lives.  Not only do we have a really cute yard now, but we've got an amazing church (can you say MIRACLE?), really great friends, a fun dance community, an incredible doctor etc. etc. etc.!!! 

So yesterday, when I was smelling the beautiful Jasmine that surrounds us everywhere in SoCal, I was brought to tears.  

I love, love, LOVE the smell of Jasmine.  It's everywhere here.  And literally EVERY day in the spring I stop somewhere & smell it up close.

And the sunshine . . . oh the sunshine!  I never tire of you, sunshine.  Every day I'm happy to see you!!!

What will I do without my sweet jasmine & sunshine?

1 comment:

  1. Em,
    I really hear that. And that's the thing- we never really do know what we'll do without our special pleasures and things we appreciate. May your lawn be especially green and the jasmine especially fragrant for you this June.
