Thursday, May 19, 2011

popsicles & sesame street

Here's how my last 36 hours have gone . . . 5:30am wake up to kiddo throwing up . . . 4 hours of that (poor thing!) . . . then she started to vomit blood.  Do not pass go.  Do not collect $200 (though that would be nice).  Fold her up in her blanket & drive straight to ER.

Unload her into wheelchair (while she's still vomiting - poor kid) . . . and into triage.  Wait while mouthfulls of blood continue pouring out her mouth (a-GUH-ni-zing . . . and YES, I did lose my patience with the "we don't have a bed available yet").  Dan arrives & we get her into the ER for all kinds of testing.  She says, "Mom, I really want to spend the night & take a ride" (she means when they push you through the halls on the rolling beds :-).

Then she's on the upswing . . . until 5 hours later when we give her something to drink.  Nope - nothing stays down.  So admitted into hospital's pediatric unit.  She got her wish . . . a ride through the halls on the bed (even in the elevator - a bonus, apparently).

Quiet night . . . seemed good.  Nursed 4 oz water over the course of 4 hours.  Nope - that didn't stay down either.  Upside: once it was out, she felt like a walk :-)

Then the serious fever set in this afternoon.  103 - so ice packs under the armpits.

Me . . . I'm just glad she's alive.  That vomiting large quantities of blood thing . . . not for me!

In the midst of all that life has thrown my way the last year, this experience has put it ALL into perspective.

Not out of the woods yet . . . but popsicles & Sesame Street ain't so bad.


  1. Give that sweet girl a gentle squeeze from me and tell her that Anjali and Mark say hi. I'm so grateful that she's getting the help she needs. Take good care of yourself, too- eat vegetables, sleep, exercise.

  2. Hugs and Kisses from her LaLa too. It was good to talk to you last night and so good for my heart to see these pictures of her up and about.
