Sunday, May 15, 2011


This stomach bug has come back . . . but with a vengeance!  

Spent yesterday morning in Urgent Care, yesterday afternoon mustering up the gumption to eat something (food sounds horrible), and all night purging it out of my system with unbelievable abdominal pain.  And the best part, is that no one will know anything for at least another 3-4 days.  

Dear Jesus . . . could you just throw me a bone.  Oh wait . . . I take that back.  No food please.  Could you just help me not feel like dying?  I'd really appreciate it.  Amen.


  1. We have a stomach bug at our house today too. We will be praying for all of you! Hang in there: )

  2. Oh, sweetie, I'm so sorry. I hope they find something useful soon.

  3. Hope you're feeling better today! I'm just getting through updates and emails from the weekend. I was so bummed to hear you're sick again. Yuck!!
