Ponderings. Is that even a word? I've been doing a lot of pondering . . . and here is one of them:
So what's up with faith & miracles, healing & belief? I've been reading a book that's been challenging me BIG TIME. It's called The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind. If you've grown up in the church, but haven't seen the power of God the way you have an incling that might actually be available to us, read this one.
I've been really challenged by well over 90% of it, so something's clicking. But it's all so new to me. And on the one hand, there's a part of me that says, "Eh, just a bunch of hooey" (cuz that what I grew up hearing & believing about miracles). Then there's another part of me that absolutely believes that it's true & that I'm the one standing in the way.
I'm gonna keep reading . . .
Sounds intriguing...I'd love to hear more about what you are reading.
ReplyDeleteLet's chat soon and you can ponder aloud.