So one of the greatest blessings in my life over the last year has been PIHOP (Pasadena International House of Prayer). It's such a unique place that it's hard to describe.
I first went to receive prayer about 2 years ago. I was a sceptic. I had such overwhelmingly negative experiences within the church that I have to admit that my heart was pretty hard towards the whole thing. My friend, Mandy, had invited me MANY times, but I always found a reason not to go. But then I finally broke down & went . . . and the best word I can use to describe the experience is "magical."
I don't mean magical in the "magic" sense of the word - but in the "wow - that was the COOLEST experience ever" type of way. It's the kind of thing that's so cool that you almost can't believe it the first time.
Since then, I've gone many times to receive prayer & have also begun serving & praying for others. If you ever want to be encouraged beyond measure & experience God's love in a "magical" way - come & check us out sometime.
I really need to check it out... thanks for the reminder my dear friend...