Monday, September 27, 2010

even the hummingbirds

It's 106 degrees (and it's only 2pm - which means it'll get even hotter) and it's Sept. 27th!!!  Even the hummingbirds are feelin' it.

We have a couple of hummingbird feeders with nectar that I refill regularly - and they usually spend anywhere between 2-10 seconds drinking before flying away.  Today - 3 MINUTES!  The poor little guys are just sitting there . . . not even moving.  Just beaks open, gasping for air.

And you wouldn't believe it . . . the squirrel was sprawled out on the lawn!  Seriously, NEVER seen that before.

And just so happens that our car is in the shop (yep - air conditioner's broken again) . . . so what's a girl to do?
  • cleaned the hall closet
  • cleaned out daughter's room
  • got a load for goodwill
  • scrubbed the bathrooms down
  • made lunch from scratch (without turning the oven on!)
If ya can't be cool outside, at least the inside can be clean.  Thank the good Lord for AC in the house!!!


  1. Ick. We won't even see 70 degrees tmrw. I'll try to bring some of the cool weather with me! :)

  2. Panting hummingbirds and sprawling squirrels- that's hot! I personally puddle at about 90 so 107 is way past me.
    And good for you for seizing the moment and getting the cleaning done.
