Saturday, September 25, 2010

heart & soul

About two years ago, I set out to make some new friends.  I realized that I needed a different kind of friend, but wasn't entirely sure how to go about it - just knew it needed to happen.

I've intentionally spent time with women who I admire & respect - particularly women who can understand the unrelenting responsibility of raising a child while trying to be a loving wife (and not lose your mind).

Yesterday, one of the newer friends that I cherish the most told me something I will never forget.  She said, "I am with you - heart & soul."  Honestly, I was so blown away that I didn't really have words in the moment.  It was the most amazing gift to have someone who I love so dearly say that to me so intentionally & boldly. 

You know who you are, and I am with you heart & soul as well . . .


  1. What a beautiful thing! I'm so glad you've found this kind of friend.

  2. I appreciate so much your intentional search for the right relationships. That is such a hard and brave thing to do!
    By the way, thanks for your comment on my blog. It was an amazing, pleasant surprise. I've heard so much about you that I feel like I know you already.
