This afternoon at dance class, we were joined by about 15 college students who are volunteering at the school for a week. I was teaching them our routine (along with the regular children) from scratch. They were all picking it up fairly quickly, but one guy in particular caught my attention.
He was so "into" it . . . broke out into a full on sweat! And he was having SO much fun - dancing with abandon. And he was really quite good.
After class, after everyone left, Richard came back in & started to ask me all kinds of questions. Turns out he's from Minnesota too. He has a heart of gold & is passionate about dancing. Being a college student, he's looking for direction in life & is wondering how dance will play into that. Regardless, he wants to be salt & light in LA. It was a trip talking to someone 15 years younger, from the same state, but from a different race & the other gender with the exact same heart - wanting to dance for the love of it and for the love of God.
That is so sweet!