Friday, March 18, 2011


I feel invigorated.  I'm one of those nutty people who gets an extra amount of "juice" from checking things off of to-do lists.  Nutty, right?!  But seriously, I feel SO good when stuff gets done.  Well, today I was able to check off a couple of major long-term projects off of the list & I'm feeling GOOD!!!  Think I'll go out & dance tonight.

I was hoping to hear back about a job possibility this week & start on Monday, but the HR person ended up being out of town all week, so no news.  But shockingly, I don't feel anxious about it . . . just glad to have a less full "to do" list & ready to enjoy a weekend with Dan & Mahalia without thinking about anything but them.

However, I did buy a couple of items for the wardrobe.  As I've been interviewing, I realize I have exactly 2 pairs of work pants & exactly 0 shirts for work.  So today, I hooked myself up with these - for a total of $52.  Not bad!  Oh - and they look much better on, than on the hanger :-)


  1. They do look nice- seem to have a god shape and hang.
    Have a fantastic weekend and congrats about the to-do's. I ticked off two pages of to-do's on Thursday and was pleased myself. Are we our mother's daughters or what?

  2. You are both the best of your mom! Anjali and Mahalia are lucky girls. :) Congrats on your lists.
