Sunday, January 16, 2011

the red line

With the beginning of a new job, have come some hefty changes in the schedule.  Gone are the days of slow mornings, unlimited play time, and lots of time to reflect.  We've had to (as my Mom would say) "kick it into high gear."

I catch my mind racing - trying to find ways to cram more "to do's" into the same God-given 24 hour time span.   I'm finding that I'm reaching my limits of energy much more quickly.  In my former life, when more stuff was happening, I used to just cram more in.  I used to live at the red line.  If more needed to get done, I simply shoe-horned it in & did ALL of the "more" - never really stopping to consider the consequences of the "more" lifestyle (ie. lived off of adrenaline & blew out my thyroid, was filled with anxiety etc).  Sooooo . . .

I'm going to need to cut back on stuff . . . LOTS of stuff.  I'm especially having to cut back on stuff that I really enjoy.  Seems like the dishes, cooking, laundry etc. are here to stay.  So it's gonna have to be time spent with others, time spent volunteering, time spent reflecting, time spent dancing and time spent relaxing.  And I don't really like it.  But . . .

Since I've started living a different way, I no longer desire to live beyond my limits.  Having more required in terms of work will result in less time doing other things.  I will no longer sacrifice my health, my family or my sanity to live the "MORE" lifestyle.  I will reflect.  I will evaluate.  I will cut back.  And I will live within my limits.

1 comment:

  1. love it. nothing I appreciate more than honesty. and a person who knows how to say no! :) blessings on your new journey.
