I've had that itchy feeling the last few days . . . the kind you get when you've got a hundred "to do's" in your mind. But I've been sick - really sick & haven't felt like tackling much. Until today . . .
So this afternoon I took quiet time by storm (note, I think my kiddo may almost be done with naps . . . sad day at casa Hodge :-( I took stock of everything. Here are a few of the things I checked off . . .
- added my "to do's" into my actual TO DO list (& got them OUT of my head)
- cleaned off my desk
- ran to the store to grab a few things we've needed around the house
- scheduled in specific time to work on a couple of key projects
- did some publicity for Dan's book signing next week (join us!)
- did a complete "restore settings" to get my phone back up & running properly
- registered for a beading convention in 2 weeks (random, right?!)
- had coffee with a friend
- scheduled workout & dancing time
- responded to scads of emails
- researched stuff for our business
Love the pic, Emily! Glad you got some stuff checked off your list. That always feels great!