Tuesday, October 5, 2010

so much more

Marie Chante' Flowers came into town this last weekend.  She is mother to 3 boys (our godsons), sister to 4 other women, my daughter's godmother, a fellow traveler on life's journey of love, and an accomplished spoken word artist.  But most importantly (to me), she has been my friend for 14 years.

Te' was my friend when no one else wanted a white girl anywhere near them.  Let me explain - I moved into the south side of Minneapolis as a young, naive, arrogant, ignorant, fresh-outta-college white girl.  Don't get me wrong, I had a great heart & lots of energy to love those around me . . . but I was still young, naive, arrogant, ignorant & fresh-outta-college nonetheless.

On a regular basis, I would get cursed out by folks - frustrated with my ignorance (albeit naive ignorance, not the malicious kind of ignorance).  But Chante' loved me in spite of it all.  She walked with me through questions, misunderstandings, hurt feelings, frustration, the birth of her youngest two sons, my marriage, my move to California, the birth of my daughter, the birth of our dreams, and a lot of heartache in between.

She's still my friend - but she is so much more.  She is mother to my daughter.  She is an encourager of my dreams.  The has been a gentle shepherd of my soul.  She has been Jesus to me - the kind, patient, gentle, long-suffering Jesus who loves us "in spite of" . . . thank you Chante'.  I cherish you.


  1. SO glad you had such a good time together. :)

  2. Yeah! What a blessing. I am so glad you have her and I'm so glad she came to visit.
