Wednesday, August 25, 2010

living the dream

Yesterday when I showed a friend this video she told me I was "living the dream." 

I agree.  I am living the dream!

But what exactly is THE dream?  Is it the white picket fence?   Is it enough money every month?  Is it marriage?  Is it kids?  What exactly IS the dream . . . . ???

For me, the dream has always included a few things . . .
  • following Jesus with my whole heart
  • having meaningful relationships (friends, family, husband)
  • doing things that matter to me
In the last few years, my list has grown to include a few more things . . .
  • a peaceful heart
  • letting go of things & people who create chaos in my life
  • taking in each moment - really living the moments & cherishing them
What's your dream?


  1. When I'm driving my truck making deliveries in the morning, I commonly see up to 5 billboards asking me what my dreams are. They are advertising the lotteries in the state - thinking that the money from my winnings would purchase my dreams. God's values are so different from many of those pushed in our society. Lash me to the mast!

    (Sorry, that last phrase is in reference to ancient Greek myth of Jason, who, when sailing, was confronted by sirens. Knowing the danger - and his own weakness - ordered that he be tied to the mast, lest he be led astray by the temptations to his doom.) 'nough said.

  2. Well, my dreams used to be more along the lines of achieving my goals and reaching my full potential. Now my dreams are about being happy and satisfied, having friends and a well balanced community life, enjoying great conversations with fabulous people, and about being healthy and continuing to grow up.

  3. I've always been happy with what I have. My dream is to be happy with who I am.
