Tuesday, February 1, 2011

skipping & other fabulous things

So I've got a THIRD head cold this season.  Yep - we're on to a total of about 10 weeks of about 4 months . .  . for you math geeks, that's more than half!!!  Sheesh.

Then, with our business start-up stuff, there have been MOUNTAINS of paperwork to complete.  The kind where you call ahead, ask what you need & bring that stuff to the meeting - but then the banker "forgot" to mention the two other things you'd need until you got there.  Then repeat 4 more times with various folks.  Yep - that kind of week.

So when Mahalia & I left the store (where I was ASSURED that I'd be able to buy what I needed - albeit 3 times more than the original one we were gonna buy, but the company never called back after 5 days, 10 phone calls & 2 voicemails), I was totally frustrated (did I mention they don't actually sell it IN the store, but failed to mention that?).  And she was . . . of course . . . skipping!

This is one of the things I adore about children.  Their ability to be completely unphased by the ridiculous challenges of adult life . . . totally unencumbered & free to enjoy the simple things.  Me . . . don't know if I'm up for skipping.  Maybe a nap?


  1. Funny how kids completely miss the value of a good nap! :)

  2. Oh, Em- Yikes. This is exactly the kind of bureaucratic thoughtlessness which makes my blood pressure rise and my teeth clench. I admire you for sticking with it and I hope you get that nap. For practical ideas on the cold, give me a call. I had a bunch of rounds last year and worked with Ginger to write down all her usually recommended home remedies.
