Friday, February 25, 2011


Nothing makes me angrier than injustice.  Today I experienced quite a bit of injustice.  Given the A+B=C equation (injustice = anger), I spent a good bit of the day angry.  

But I heard a quote yesterday that really stuck with me . . . "anger is the poison that only kills you."  Needless to say, I've spent the rest of the day attempting to rid myself of the anger & frustration that plagues me. 

1 comment:

  1. Back at Open Door, Pastor Dave was preaching once on Jesus and his anger. The quote that sticks with me is "When Jesus got angry, people got healed." So, I find myself asking, "When I get angry, do people get healed?"
    May God bless you with freedom, wisdom, and great healing for the world in your anger.
