Sunday, February 13, 2011


This morning, I was looking in the mirror . . . couldn't figure out what was different.  It was so obvious, I couldn't believe my eyes.  I've dyed my hair for years (because of all of the gray).  But it's growing in brown!!!  I asked Dan because I thought maybe I just wasn't seeing all of the gray in the light.  But he was speechless too!  Not only is my hair growing in fuller, but it's actually brown!!!

Then this morning, I just had to take this picture.  Earlier this week our pastor asked Dan to speak at church this morning.  I know it's totally irreverent to take pictures during the service, but this is a miracle . . . us at church . . . LOVING it . . . and Dan actually up front sharing from his heart.  Praise God people!!!

Miracles . . . gotta love 'em!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Em, I'm so, so happy to you. I was just saying yesterday to Angela and Megan that I wanted good things to happen for you and now this. Wow, I'm so grateful.
