Monday, February 28, 2011

the new tithe

My friend posted this blog.  It's been something I've been thinking about a LOT the last few years.  I find this an incredibly important topic to ponder.  

Over the last few years, we've given our money to things other than church . . . people we believe in, people who are struggling to make ends meet, people going on missions trips, people who need a gift, or people who just need to know someone loves them.

As one who grew up in Christian culture, I've seen that this notion of 10% going to the church might have been taken a tad too literally.  Isn't the church the people anyway?


Sunday, February 27, 2011


Beauty inspires me.  Plain & simple.  

When I see something beautiful, it releases appreciation, gratitude, admiration & inspiration within me.  I find myself captivated by beauty.  It can be a beautiful piece of clothing, artwork or jewelry.  It could be a beautiful person with their unique features and skin tone or the way their make up is done to perfection.  Or it can be a song that's been sung with soul or a dance that's created from the depths.

So when I was grocery shopping the other day, I just couldn't resist these.  Two dozen roses of various colors.  When I saw them, I was moved.  And even though I shouldn't have afforded them, every time I glance their way, I'm moved.

Friday, February 25, 2011


Nothing makes me angrier than injustice.  Today I experienced quite a bit of injustice.  Given the A+B=C equation (injustice = anger), I spent a good bit of the day angry.  

But I heard a quote yesterday that really stuck with me . . . "anger is the poison that only kills you."  Needless to say, I've spent the rest of the day attempting to rid myself of the anger & frustration that plagues me. 

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Today I've had that racing feeling . . . my mind running at warp speed - thinking of everything that needs to get done, heart pumping with adrenaline coursing through my veins . . . and sweaty armpits.  YUCK!  

I don't miss this feeling at all.  I used to live in this space almost every day - for YEARS.  So I guess it's time to go & sit for a minute . . . and put the mind in God's hands . . . and release it all back to Him.  Headed there now.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

on the prowl

Well . . . after two glorious years of staying at home & enjoying the finer things in life (ie. naps :-) it's time for me to go back to work.  Just sent out my resume to a bunch of friends.  Gonna start with connections first.  

Oh how I will miss you endless reflection, mid-afternoon cat naps, slow mornings & having dinner ready for Dan when he walks in the door - hopefully I will know you again some day!!!

Oh how I will not miss you endless laundry, dishes & grocery shopping - oh wait!  I still have to do all that anyway.  Hmmm.

Friday, February 18, 2011

4 strands of brown

Over the last year, every time I've washed or combed my hair, I've lost handfuls of hair.  The scary, cancer-patient kind of handfuls.  However, since I've been working with my OMD the last 6 weeks, and drinking the worst tasting medicinal teas EVER . . .

I'm very pleased to report that . . . . drum roll please . . . this morning I lost only 4 strands of hair (a personal record)!!!  AND they were brown (for those of you too who aren't too keen with the senses - I dye my hair every four weeks to cover the massive amounts of grey).  I can hardly believe my eyes (nor my head :-).

I asked the doctor what I could attribute my reborn hair color coming back in.  Circulation, he said . . . circulation people!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

free tickets

I haven't been to a live concert in years . . . literally!  Maybe even a decade.  So when Leandro (my salsa friend) invited Dan and I to a Valentine's concert with him & his girlfriend, I was excited.

He was able to get us free tickets to a Kenny G & Michael Bolton concert at the Gibson Amphitheater at Universal Studios.

My initial thought was, "This is gonna be really fun, but aren't they kinda old school?"  Boy, was I wrong! 

It was AMAZING!  I've always appreciated their music, but hearing it LIVE was a whole other experience.  And we had great seats to boot!!!  SOOOO fun!

Thanks Leandro . . . good times!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


This morning, I was looking in the mirror . . . couldn't figure out what was different.  It was so obvious, I couldn't believe my eyes.  I've dyed my hair for years (because of all of the gray).  But it's growing in brown!!!  I asked Dan because I thought maybe I just wasn't seeing all of the gray in the light.  But he was speechless too!  Not only is my hair growing in fuller, but it's actually brown!!!

Then this morning, I just had to take this picture.  Earlier this week our pastor asked Dan to speak at church this morning.  I know it's totally irreverent to take pictures during the service, but this is a miracle . . . us at church . . . LOVING it . . . and Dan actually up front sharing from his heart.  Praise God people!!!

Miracles . . . gotta love 'em!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

going to teach

Tonite I'm going to Mama Juana's to help my friend, Bobby, teach the beginner's salsa class.  I love teaching.  Even more, I love dancing.  

Dancing is my escape.  

It's my escape from thought, from laundry, from sweats, from dishes, from responsibility . . . it's better than escaping on vacation . . . you don't have to pack.  Just strap on the dance shoes & voila!

Here's to a good night of salsa . . . and escape!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

press on

I've been tempted to throw in the towel lately.  But I know what God has spoken into my life and I will keep moving forward & trust what He's said . . . even if it looks like I'm not getting anywhere.  It's a "press on" kind of day.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

full heart

Another year has come & gone . . . some real highs & painful lows.  

In the midst of it, my heart is full.  So many people poured out kindness on me: dinner with friends, gifts, cards, money, sentiments, time spent, meals made & dances shared.  Beautiful.  

These were the most AMAZING cupcakes I have EVER had . . . homemade lemon with fresh raspberry icing!  Then there was mango cake . . . shared with my fellow February salseros . . . delicious for the senses on & off the floor!

This card (from Dan) made me go into hysterical laughter . . .  I guess it's getting to be "that" season of life!  The one thing I had wanted was to spend the day alone with him.  It didn't end up working out that way, but I love that he gets me & can roll with the punches.

Then my salsa community hosted the most AMAZING party.  Earlier in the day, I had been pretty upset.  I almost cancelled.  I'm SOOOO glad I ended up going.  The best time I've had in a while - felt God smiling on me.

Thank God for friends, for family & for community.  I'm so very thankful.

Friday, February 4, 2011

ridiculous & fabulous

For 3 months, I've been coveting a purse I saw in the fashion district.  When I saw it, I didn't buy it, but I've been thinking about it ever since.  And today . . . in honor of my own self's birthday tomorrow, I bought it.  It's so ridiculous, it's fabulous! 
Really?  A giant zebra print flower with hot pink shiny material . . . AND a diamond center???  Yes ma'am!!!   LOVE IT.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

thanks china!

Got some blood tests run last week that regular MD's won't run (because in Western medicine, there's no "cure" - so insurance doesn't want to know that you have it cuz they don't want to be responsible to help you fix it - ain't THAT a dandy one?!?!).  Oh - and I haven't had insurance for two years . . . so why do "they" even care???  Anyhoo . . .

Today I got an answer for why I've been so sick for SO long . . . autoimmune thyroiditis (aka: Hashimoto's disease).  In a nutshell, I've got some kind of severe internal infection (really high white blood cell count) that's causing my immune system to go out of whack - which in turn attacks my thyroid (hence the exhaustion, massive hair loss, cold extremities, etc.)

Though western medicine doesn't have a cure, my guy thinks he does.  I've started on a bunch of Chinese medicines that will hopefully help.  I'll keep you posted.  In the meantime, I'm thankful for folks in other countries who've done so much to help us westerners out!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

skipping & other fabulous things

So I've got a THIRD head cold this season.  Yep - we're on to a total of about 10 weeks of about 4 months . .  . for you math geeks, that's more than half!!!  Sheesh.

Then, with our business start-up stuff, there have been MOUNTAINS of paperwork to complete.  The kind where you call ahead, ask what you need & bring that stuff to the meeting - but then the banker "forgot" to mention the two other things you'd need until you got there.  Then repeat 4 more times with various folks.  Yep - that kind of week.

So when Mahalia & I left the store (where I was ASSURED that I'd be able to buy what I needed - albeit 3 times more than the original one we were gonna buy, but the company never called back after 5 days, 10 phone calls & 2 voicemails), I was totally frustrated (did I mention they don't actually sell it IN the store, but failed to mention that?).  And she was . . . of course . . . skipping!

This is one of the things I adore about children.  Their ability to be completely unphased by the ridiculous challenges of adult life . . . totally unencumbered & free to enjoy the simple things.  Me . . . don't know if I'm up for skipping.  Maybe a nap?