Wednesday, July 21, 2010

daily progress report

Life has been feeling really "daily" lately: Wake up.  Breakfast.  Dishes.  Activity with Mahalia.  Laundry.  Dinner.  Dishes.  Bedtime.  Repeat.  Not so glamorous, eh?  So I thought maybe it might help to look back at my goals & see the good that has happened in the midst of the daily grind.

I've had a few hopes in mind for me & the family to accomplish by summer's end:
  1. Get grass in front yard - DONE!!!
  2. Even though Dan's not teaching, try not put anything on credit cards this summer - so far, so good!
  3. Get my long-awaited couches - still waiting on them, but feeling hopeful (pending #2 by summer's end).
I also set a few personal goals for myself to accomplish by the end of summer.  We're officially mid-July, which means I'm only a few weeks from my target date.
  1. I will continue with yoga to improve my form: have gone at least once every week.  I try to get myself right next to the corner mirrors, so I can see my form.  I am pleased to say that I'm much improved.
  2. I will continue on my journey of health to lose a few pounds (& possibly feel more comfortable in one of those crazy outfits :-).  Did a 3 week cleanse & have cut out dairy, wheat & sugar.  Down 8 pounds & as of today, I think about 17 more to go.  And yes, I'll most likely be wearing one of those crazy outfits - see #4.
  3. I will be able to do the splits by the end of the summer. (I envision myself ending a routine in the splits :-)  Been doing TONS of stretching - mostly because I can barely walk the next day (post-dancing) if I don't.  Getting pretty dog-on close to full splits, though I must say that I'm feeling my age.
  4. I will begin to practice like I may one day compete.  Well - interesting news here.  I actually joined an all-ladies performance team.  We are preparing a routine & it's a huge challenge for me.  I've never been good at choreography, so I have to muster up all of my brain cells & courage, but it's great fun!
So while life has felt very "daily" I'm feeling good about the small steps of progress being made.  Here's to the daily!

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