Monday, July 26, 2010

bored? nope!

Here's a rundown of the last 5 days:

Thursday morning: get a panic call from Dan's Grandma telling us Mom is being rushed to ERThursday afternoon/evening: pack & rush to Northern California/see Dan's Mom in ICUFriday/Saturday: spent in hospital with doctors & family trying to assess situation
Saturday afternoon: drive 5 1/2 hour trip home
Sunday morning: repack & redo Mahalia's hair for camp
Sunday afternoon: Dan & Mahalia leave for camp.  I stay & clean house for company (which, ironically, is quite relaxing & satisfying)
Monday morning: return rental car (yep, the shop has had our car for 6 weeks) & get gas

So when I sat down at the car wash (for 10 minutes) a guy walks by & asks, "Bored?"  I responded, saying, "Nope - just enjoying the quiet." 

1 comment:

  1. Quiet is nice. Regrettably, it is hard to find sometimes.

    Glad Dan's mom is doing some better.
