Monday, November 30, 2009

a little too much

Growing up, I often felt like I was "a little too much." I was too quiet, too emotional, too sensitive, too straightforward, too quick to make decisions, had too big of a forehead, and many other things that were "too much" for those around me (or at least that's what I picked up on as a kid).

Nothing has changed in my adult life . . . except that I've come to the conclusion that I think my "too much" is actually what makes me unique. It's just the way God wanted me. I've got a big heart & equally big fashion choices :-) I'm moved by things that others (especially those from the conservative background I grew up in) might be turned off by - things like global justice, fashion, makeup artistry, dancing, equal rights for gay couples, etc.
In fact, my new nickname for myself is "Sparkles." I love sparkles . . . big dangly hoop earrings with rhinestones, sparkly belts, sparkly shoes, sparkly eyeliner, sparkly spray . . . let's face it, pretty much anything that sparkles (or makes people look twice) makes me smile - or at least crack up a bit.
Some may think it's a bit too much - maybe even tacky. But I really like my sparkles. It's part of what makes me me, and I'm no longer apologizing for being me.

1 comment:

  1. sparkles IS fitting!!! I LOVE your sparklyness... through and through
