Wednesday, December 16, 2009

the frig

Remember back when we were kids & our parents would proudly display our accomplishments on the refrigerator? Things we'd done would magically appear on the frig - things like report cards, school projects & crafts we'd made. We were so proud & felt so good about ourselves. I think it's a great tradition.

I've been giving "the frig" lots of thought as I parent. What things do I want my daughter to recognize as special accomplishments? Typically we hang things on the frig that other people can see & applaud. But I think I want to celebrate some other things with her - things that others may not be able to see. Things like . . .
  • knowing what she really enjoys doing & doing it with zest
  • knowing her limits & living within them
  • being able to recognize her emotions
  • recognizing how her physical body is feeling in any given moment
  • being who she really is
Anyone else wanna hang something different on the frig?

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