As our very first guests were arriving last night (she had just dropped her son off & walked back to her car to grab the stuffing), I thought I'd make a little more space in the sink for dishes . . . so started putting the clean ones away. I picked up the bowl on top & no sooner did I notice everything (ie. dish jenga) starting to shift - than a 5lb. cast iron skillet dropped directly on my big toe. Blood started gushing everywhere! Dan quickly grabbed a bag of frozen berries for me to use as a cold compress & I downed some extra strength Tylenol. Anyhoo - after a few washes with peroxide, a few band aid changes & a good night's rest, I'm happy to report that I'm gonna live.
This morning (as often happens), Mahalia was quizzing me on various words in Spanish (or "Smanish" as she calls it). "Mommy, what's this is Spanish?" (pointing to the couch, then to the pillow, then asking about a tree). We successfully got through about 7 or 8 different words. Then she asks, "Mommy, how do you say 'Winnie win the pooh' (aka: Winnie the Pooh) in Spanish?"

I tell her I don't know. No sooner do I get the final word out of my mouth & she says, "No Mommy! It's 'Pooh ha ha'." Even now as I type, I'm fighting laughter. It was perfect.
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