Hemmed & hawed all evening about going dancing. At 9:15 I dragged myself out of the house, kicking & screaming (odd, given how much I love it, no?). Anyhoo - I felt awkward, nervous & just generally non-fabulous about the whole thing.
But then I heard the music outside the door & immediately felt the rhythm stirring inside. Took off my 3 layers of extra clothes & sat - anxiously awaiting my first Chicago salsa. Would I remember how to dance? Would my style fit with the guys' style? Would my body hold up (I'm WAY out of shape)? Would anyone even ask me to dance?
Then an older gentleman (which can sometimes turn out to be a TOTAL bust) asked me to dance, and he was . . . drum roll please . . . uh-may-zing!!! Amazing people! He rocked it! I immediately forgot about all my inhibitions & was sucked into the music & the fun. After the dance, he told me I was a goddess (gotta love such a compliment every now & then - especially when ya feel frumpy).
And from there it was salsa heaven . . . dance after dance of pure bliss. I love salsa bliss!
This makes me sooooooooooooooooooooo happy for you! The drought is OV-A!!!!!