Today, as we were leaving the Playland (where Mahalia had just played with 3 new friends for over an hour, after she got a sucker from the teller at the bank), and I announced that she didn't have to take a nap (but could do quiet rest time instead), she shouted, "Oh mom! I've had three luckys today!"
I'm amazed at how fickle emotions are (at least mine, anyway). One of my priorities in this season is to remind myself of truth, regardless of how I feel. What strikes me is that the luckys come & the unluckys come. We've all had our share of both. But what I've learned about the luckys & the unluckys is that both come as a result of grace. Sometimes our luckys or unluckys come as a result of choices. But then there are many MANY times, when luck (grace) has it's way in our lives, regardless of choice. I realize that may sound like heresy to my American (it's all about my choices) mindset, but so much of life is grace - being given in it's many forms. I tend to prefer the "lucky" form of grace, but I find that God has done some of His best work during the unluckiest of times.
Speaking of undeserved gifts - here is one of the most recent. Our kitchen is so SO beautiful (& spacious) - it inspires me (even ME, the lame-o cook) to whip up dishes of varying sorts. It's big enough that we were able to put this beauty in. It doubles as a work/storage space and table (on the back side). I still can't believe I call this place home!
I commend you, Emily, for seeing God's grace even through a rough patch. It's easy, at least for me, to celebrate God and joyfully live the spiritual life when things are going great. However, when things aren't going my way, following MY plan, etc. I forget that God's the boss, not me. Something is happening for a reason not yet revealed to me. And, then I get mad. Then, some wise-guy will say to me, "pain is the touchstone of spiritual growth." That reminds me that I'm human and God has been holding my hand the whole time. Then, I get mad again because I didn't think of that first.