Wednesday, April 28, 2010

rabbit out of the hat

Ever had one of those moments in life where there was no possible way that you were going to make it through something unless there was a literal miracle? You've done everything humanly possible & none of it is working.

Well . . . been going through something like that. And I've had this crazy peace about it all. The kind that looks kinda stupid from the outside. In fact, a good friend asked me the other day, "You seem so calm about this whole thing - like something's shifted." And I told her that I've gotten to a peaceful place internally - a place of accepting the inevitable.

And last night at 11pm, Dan shared some news with me - good news . . . REALLY good news . . . the kind of news that you almost can't believe. But I wasn't surprised. I knew God (through his people) was gonna pull a rabbit out of the hat. Thanks God.


  1. Just checking your blog on a late lunch break... Can't wait to hear the good news. :)

  2. Wow - don't you just love it when God pulls the big surprise out: ) Have been praying and thinking of you guys while I'm painting - and that's been alot lately! Can't wait to hear the news!

  3. tomorrow. will you share the bad... and then the good?
