Was talking with my sister today, and as often happens, she said something that struck me to the core. I said, "Now THAT's gonna be a blog later today!"
So we were talking about our issues (since we have so many - ha!) & were cracking up about a variety of things. We were talking about growth, pain, heartache, desire & all of that stuff. Then she blows me away . . .
She says, "I've finally been released from the tyranny of what I want." I literally sat down (outside on the curb) because I know this is gonna be good.
Then she continued . . . "I realized that so many of the things that I want so desperately have been keeping me driven." She explained how she's been continually pursuing things with a ferocity & yet never attaining them. But since she's let go of her desires & learned to live with the life she actually has, she's become satisfied.
Whoa! It took me a while to chew it all over.
She continued by saying that so much of her life today isn't at all what she had wanted. But she's deeply satisfied with it. It rang so true in my own spirit. When we are released from the tyranny of our own desires, and learn to live with the life we have (instead of constantly fighting against it), a certain space is created . . . wherein deep satisfaction can reside. Thanks again, sis!
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