Sunday, September 13, 2009

in the fullness of time

Ever labored towards something really hard for days, weeks - even decades? Things like becoming less judgmental, rebuilding broken relationships or staying calm in the midst of conflict . . . things that are hard to track & know when you've arrived.

You work at it with so much effort - you put thought into it. You talk to folks about it. You reflect on it & ask God to speak to you about it. Then you go back to the "grind stone" - cuz that's what it is - a grinding. You wonder, "Will I ever get there?" maybe you almost give up, but then you redouble your efforts.

Ever been so focused that you almost miss it when you get there? That almost happened to me - except that I woke up the next morning. I felt totally free. Refreshed. It was finished. I found myself mesmerized by it all - especially the feeling free part. I kinda thought it might never happen - but then there I was . . . done.

Somehow time had taken it's course & in the fullness of time it came to fruition. I love the concept "fullness of time" because it implies that time (the inner goings-on) have been happening all along & now just happens to be the fullness of it. It was a profound moment.