Monday, September 28, 2009

be the change

I recently read something in a book (that I HIGHLY recommend), called "The Myth of a Christian Religion" by Greg Boyd. In it, he says, "Often people want to change the world before they themselves are changed. It never works. In fact, I'd argue that nothing damages the world more than damaged people constantly trying to fix it. The best thing anyone can do for the world is to follow Gandhi's advice and simply be the change they want to see in the world."

I've "stewed" on that quote for weeks now . . . BE the change. I look back & see how many times I've talked about what needs to be changed, how it should be changed, criticized those who haven't changed, judged those who don't see a need for change etc. So when I read this, I was like, WHOA! I needed that slap in the face.
Just BE the change. Focus on myself. Work on BE-ing the change I long for in the world.


  1. Good word! :)
    Why is BEing so hard for Christians (and for me?)

  2. That is a very challenging quote! Let me think about that for a while...


    ... Yep! I agree. And I've been super guilty of it too!
