The last seven days have been full - finished my job & said goodbye to all of my co-workers, had Mahalia's going-away party, finished packing, put it all in the POD, cleaned & rearranged the house for my Mom, packed the Civic to the gills & drove 411 miles to get to our hotel, started a job, and are living out of our suitcases (literally).
Dan's new office! Can't wait to decorate it!!! |
The great news: Dan LOVES his new job! Haven't seen him this excited in eleven years. Does my heart good. More great news: got to spend lots of time with my kiddo (it's been a while since that happened). And more great news yet: after viewing 13 places over the last 3 days, we've finally landed on two places that are worth paying the credit check fee for! We walked in & both felt like they could be our home.
Tomorrow, we repack (or re-stuff) the car & drive back to MN. Dan preaches at a church & speaks at a local college, while M & I get to play with friends & family. Then on Tuesday, we drive back here again . . . hopefully with a lease in hand!!!
I asked Dan this evening, "Now that you're on the 'other' side of this season, what does it feel like looking back over the last 10 years of struggle?" We had an interesting reflection. It's easy to romanticize the struggle while looking backwards. But without a doubt, we have been the most broken, hurt & sad over these last eight months than we have ever been in the previous 37 years. There has been such overwhelming, paralyzing loss that words on a screen can't even begin to touch it.
But after everything & EVERYTHING . . . we are finally on the OTHER side. I'm still getting used to it. The "it" being - having enough money, Dan having a full time job, and us being able to put our energy in a really great, new direction. I am so very grateful that God and a handful of friends have been able to stand with us through a very long, painful & dark season - and see us all the way through to the "other" side.
I'm so happy for you all! It makes me smile every time I think of it!!