Tuesday, October 25, 2011

you can call me champ

We got a ping-pong table at work.  Been quietly working my way into the circuit.  Played a bunch of guys along the way.  Heard about our in-house champ.  Just beat him!  Feelin' good . . . feelin' good.

Friday, October 21, 2011

proud & cute

When it comes to work, I find a lot of inner motivation, and don't feel the need for much (or any) external validation at work.  Must be my German-ness :-)  I'm happy to simply do my work & I find great inner satisfaction in doing it with excellence.

However, I got a really great compliment.  In fact, three different people came up to me today (after our company's tailgate party) and told me that since I arrived - 3 months ago - that things have gotten significantly better . . . I felt great knowing that my presence & dedication has helped others feel like their work environment has improved since my arrival.

On a completely different note . . . aren't we adorable?! 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Been feeling really grateful lately.  I feel like I've gained a lot over the last few months.  Here are a few of the highlights . . .
  • a renewed relationship with my parents (it's been so great to get to re-know them during retirement)
  • a job that I'm good at
  • more patience
  • a deep appreciation for people who've gone through extreme loss
  • reconnection with old friends
  • time with my extended family (due to living with my folks)
  • a set of Grandparents who invest in my kiddo daily
  • about 8 pounds (though this might be the low-light!)
  • medicine to help me feel WAY better
  • a clear knowledge that I don't know as much as I thought
  • an openness to the unexpected & being more flexible
  • a deeper sense of God's love & faithfulness

Monday, October 10, 2011


This morning, upon waking up, Mahalia's first question was, "Are you going to work again?"  When I responded that I was indeed going to work again, she wanted to know why.  I told her I was going to work to make the money, to which she asked, "Still!!!???"
I was cracking up. Yep baby - still working. Thankful for work & a paycheck. And even more grateful for moments like these.

Riding 8 miles together on our tandem bike Saturday morning

A quick stop to look at the fish on our walk today during my lunchbreak

Saturday, October 8, 2011

the measure

As I was running errands for work yesterday,
I saw this . . . and immediately thought of Dan.

 I am so grateful for the tremendous privilege of walking through life with a man who has had more than his share of challenge & controversy, and remains bothered by injustice - yet also remains faithful, kind & gentle at the same time.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

open heart surgery

This last Sunday night, I got together with two friends from church youth group from WAY back in the day.  And yes - that's approximately 25 years ago people!

They'd reached out when they found out I was back in town.  What a delight to reconnect with them.  Their grace, love & belief in me was overwhelming.  And healing. 

But what's even more impressive is that their deep love has come out of their own deep suffering.  As the tears poured down my face as I shared our story of the last year, they could relate with the struggle & the depth of grief.  It was spectacular to find folks who could stand with me in all of my humanity - and help bear the load . . . simply by listening & sharing their own stories.

The next morning I woke up & thought to myself, "I just had open heart surgery!"