Thursday, September 22, 2011

freakin' thyroid

Due to my thyroid acting up, I haven't been able to exercise (or dance).  And I won't be able to exercise until I can get my thyroid doing better.  I'm ordered to rest, rest, rest.  Walking is the only form of exercise I'm supposed to do for another couple of months.  I don't mind working hard (or rest, for that matter) at all.  But after the hard work, I need FUN people!!!

I need fun like flowers need sunshine, like a cowboy needs a horse, like a party needs balloons!!!  So as you can imagine, this massive restriction is killing me.  (Ok, it's good for me, but it's KILLING me!!!)  I've been to bed early every night this week (& I do mean early - like before 10pm early).  So I'm not falling asleep during the day, but the boredom is awful.

Sooooo . . . . I decided to put together a photo compilation of all of the fun things that have happened in the last 6 weeks to remind myself that I'm not dying after all.

Grandpa's birthday Dinner

Big Buffalo at the State Fair

Cotton Candy at the Fair

Nuts at the party

Ferris Wheel Ride

Love the bling on my new glasses!

Tony's 15th Birthday Dinner Party

Cowboys vs. Vikings

Hammin' it up on his 19th birthday

1st day of soccer

Daily fun with Daddy & Ronald

Date Night - check out Dan's new grill!!!