I've never been accused of being the best mom. Nope - I don't claim to be the best. I do the best I can, but I'm no saint. And I'm certainly not the best mom.
In fact, for Mother's Day, my annual tradition is to spend the majority of the day alone. It's my day to remember & honor the fact that I am first and foremost a woman, and secondarily a wife & mother. I spend the day in solitude - doing what I want to do, thinking the thoughts I want to think, and reflecting on my own life.
After a glorious day alone, something hit me. My kiddo only has three months until Kindergarten. Which means that in three months, the days of all-day adventures Monday-Friday will be gone. So I've decided to create as many memories as I can these next three months & enjoy the moments.
Here are a few moments I've already savored from this week:
Mahalia working on her creation |
The final product |
Checkin' out the dinos at Field Museum |
Enjoying a romp through the park |
Playin' with the pooches at the dog beach |
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