Sunday, April 15, 2012

between scooters & cookie dough

Yesterday with my kiddo was hilarious. 

I simply adore her.  There are so many facets to her, but one of my favorite (as with all kids), is her ability to go from very mundane things (like making cookies & riding scooters with the neighbors) to asking incredible questions. 

Here are a few recent gems: 
  • We delivered some lunch to Dan & his students. When I asked if she'd like to stay & have a pizza with Daddy's students, she responded "I'd be delighted to meet Daddy's new students!"  (What is she, like 55? :-)
  • "Um Mom, why are there only boys & girls in this lifetime?"
  • When dancing wildly to one of her favorite CD's, she announced that I should watch her do the "commotions" (thought I'd die laughing)
  • Since this week's Dancing with the Stars Episode (that had the group KISS on it - yeah, THANKS DWTS - read in sarcasm), she's been obsessed with painting her face white and "doodling" KISS on the computer (yeah, she means "googling" them)
  • And her best (impossible to answer question so far), "If God is so big, how does he fit in our hearts?"

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

livin' the dream

Back when Dan started his Master's Degree almost ten years ago, he dreamed of the day when he'd have his own office (along with a full time job), complete with many book shelves, his degrees framed & on the walls, a university-provided computer, and co-workers he enjoys.

So today, I join the celebration . . . the office is done and . . . . DRUM ROLL PLEASE . . . . all of the books fit onto the shelves!!!  A true scholar's dream come true!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

wide open

I've been spending all of these last few months helping our little family of three transition.  We've had to find the grocery stores, unpack, file taxes, get new IL driver's licenses & all of the other mundane stuff of life that has to be done in a new state.  I've been doing all of the official "other duties as assigned" stuff for our family.  

Now that our boxes are unpacked, our godsons & my folks have broken in our guest bedroom, the first two conferences are done and Dan's office at work is finally 100% complete . . . it's time for me to figure out what's next for me.

What's been SO cool is watching God's vision for Dan come alive.  Literally, since the day I met him, God has given me very vivid visions of what Dan's calling was.  It's a dream come true to watch it unfold before my eyes.  But I haven't had that same clarity of vision for my own life.
I find myself in a very interesting spot.  I've had three careers in my almost 40 years.  I've lived in three states.  And I have a kazillion (that's Mahalia's favorite number these days) interests that I'm open to pursuing. 

So beginning Easter Sunday (Easter being my favorite holiday), I'm beginning a season of discernment.  I'm thinking it'll be at least 40 days - maybe longer.  But I'm hoping to walk away with clear vision & direction for myself.